Jessie Rose Strength

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What is Health Coaching and Why Do I Need It?

For those of you who have been tuning in for a while, you know that I have had a significant number of concussions. Well, recently I hit my head….again. While for a lot of people it would not have been a worrying impact, for me it resulted in a mild concussion (if there really is such a thing) and flared up some all too familiar symptoms. This time, instead of panicking, berating myself for hitting my head, and wallowing in frustration, I made myself a “Plan To Heal.” 

This was it: 

While perhaps not the most conventional concussion recovery protocol, (I’ve never seen being “on, in or near the ocean” or “dog hugs” officially recommended), this plan instilled in me a sense of confidence because these are all things that I know make me feel better - physically, mentally and emotionally. I followed it pretty closely and it took a month, but the plan worked! It was a much easier recovery than I have experienced in the past, and I attribute a good portion of that ease to having a plan. 

I consider the core of this plan to be my baseline of simple, healthiest habits. They are the things I can always return to when I need and want to feel better in my body. This same plan could be used to bounce back from any number of so-called disruptive life events, whether big or small. While after a concussion I will go all the way to ground zero and stay there for a while, after a weekend of festivities I may just modify a bit for a couple days. It is very adaptable. This seemingly simple plan is the result of how much time and effort I have spent experimenting, researching, learning and relearning to narrow down the best things for me. Starting from scratch, this process can be a bit daunting and it can be frustrating to navigate the mountains of conflicting information available. 

This is where Health Coaching comes in handy. As a Holistic Nutritional Health Coach, I help women gain confidence in themselves by establishing the simplest, most sustainable habits to feel good in their bodies. Together, we examine and reflect on your current situation and set of circumstances and find ways to improve your habits until you feel confident and good in your own body. 

Health coaching provides a safe space to experiment and discover which options really suit you. Because every person is different, we all have a unique set of needs. While one person might feel best on a gluten and dairy free diet, another might feel best eating a little bit of everything and focusing on balancing their work stress with the rest of their life. There are some basic principles that work for most people, and beyond those it becomes an exploration into unique optimal habits.

I hear a lot of people claim to be “all or nothing” when it comes to healthy habits. The problem is that most of these people are too often lingering on the “nothing” end of this spectrum. I am a strong believer that big change is most successful with teeny, tiny steps. Taking ownership in your own process to create your plan over time is much more effective than me putting an “all or nothing” plan in your hands that you are going to follow for a week, then never touch again. I can help an “all or nothing” person become a “gradual change” kind of person by slowing down and making small adjustments over time. This is what makes these habits sustainable. 

Someone told me recently that people hire health coaches and trainers because they just want to be told what to do. I am here to tell you, if that is all you want, I may not be the coach for you. I do not believe my job is to tell you what to do. Instead, my job is to help you discover what is best for you. Think of me more like Yoda: I will give you tough love, offer suggestions of many many options to try, and unyielding support…but I can’t give you any magic answers. 

In the words of a recent client: 

“I was looking for something new. Not a whole uprooting of my life, instead a new way to look at life. We took pause to assess the root of feelings, explore what intimidates, build up confidence, and make adjustments to morph into a happier me. Throughout the six-month program, I’ve gained tools to be more aware and learned how to to take incremental steps towards achievement without feeling overwhelmed by the end goal. Whatever it is in life…BE BOLD!” 

That’s it, friends. If you’re looking for something new, a newfound or renewed confidence in yourself and your health, consider health coaching! 

Be bold out there. 

Originally posted June 13, 2021